5 things men find attractive in women


Although it is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, there are certain things everyman get attracted to easily.

Wondering what they are? These five things are the answers you have been looking for!

Facial symmetry
This is when the left side of your face matches the right side of your face and vice versa, with things matching up perfectly from one side to another and according to researchers this is a lot more attractive as well.

Results from a study at Manchester University found that lips are a woman’s most attractive physical attribute.

To agree with this, all you need do is consider just how gorgeous you look especially when they have red lipstick.

Strong eye contact
Forget that saying about the eyes being the window to the soul, because they’re also the door to keeping a lover’s attention. Turns out your pupils dilate a little more when you’re attracted to someone. The kicker? People are apparently super attracted to dilated pupils. Lesson learned: never miss an opportunity to fixate your eyes at your intended bae.

Great teeth
Research suggests that straight, white teeth are very attractive, too. And what makes this particularly important can be seen in number 4 below.

Beautiful smiles
Another study suggests that men are so drawn to women who smile a lot.

This is pretty right too as smiling obviously makes women beautiful than moping and frowning. men are significantly more attracted to women who smile. It’s not like you’ll be reeling them in with a grimace.