Okada Ban: Lagos Govt. crushes 2,000 motorcycles


The Lagos State Government has commenced the crushing of about 2,000 impounded motorcycles in line with its ban on motorcycle “Okada” operations in the


The state government banned their operation in six Local Government Areas (LGAs) and nine Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) from June I.

The Commissioner for Transportation, Dr Frederic Oladeinde, made this known in a statement in Lagos.

He reiterating the government’s commitment to safety and security of lives and property.

The Commissioner for Information & Strategy, Mr Gbenga Omotoso, while addressing newsmen at the crushing of the bikes in Ikeja, stated that the exercise showed that government was not rescinding its decision.

Lauding Lagosians for the high level of compliance observed in the six LGAs, Omotoso mentioned that so far, 21 people had been charged to court for flouting the ban, with over 2,000 bikes confiscated.

He stated that provision had been made for motorcycle riders affected by the ban interested in operating the First and Last Mile buses to be integrated into the scheme.

Omotoso further disclosed that affected riders might consider enrolling at any of the 18 vocational centres across the state or access the Lagos State Employment Trust Funds to explore other fields of work.

He said that Okada was not a safe means of commercial transportation and did not fit into the transport policy of the state.

The Commissioner for Transportation, Dr Frederic Oladeinde, said the crushed motorcycles were apprehended by the enforcement agencies from the six LGAs and nine LCDA’s.

Oladeinde said government was not relenting in its effort to ensure motorcycles remained banned in the areas.

Urging Lagos residents to remain calm and patient with the government, Oladeinde assured that the ongoing implementation of the multi-modal transportation system would cater for the commuting needs of the citizenry.

He affirmed that more buses, taxis and boats had been deployed to ensure that commuters had decent alternatives to get to their destinations.

Oladeinde stressed that Lagos residents should adhere to the ban instituted and obey all the state traffic laws by extension.

Chairman Lagos State Taskforce, CSP Shola Jejeloye, also declared that enforcement would be intensified by next week, sounding a note of warning to recalcitrant riders.

He said riders waiting for the enforcement team to weaken its resolve on the ban were wasting their time, adding that the Lagos State Task Force would live up to its responsibility.