2023 Elections: Foundation Working to Ensure Best Outcomes


The Network and Advocacy Group of Lux Tera Leadership Foundation has been organizing leadership training programmes, targeted campaigns, public enlightenment initiatives, youth development and community-based roundtables in its bid to drive citizenship education ahead of the 2023 general elections.

A recent release from the Foundation showed details of the advocacy, political education, leadership development workshops, and Youth leadership consultative engagements. These are the Foundation’s tools , guiding the citizenry towards informed political decision-making.

For the 2023 elections alone, Lux Tera Foundation has created several platforms, including the use of Third Party partners, to maintain its impact in the public space. Its Advocacy Thursday, through which it disseminates political education interventions with targeted, periodic releases, skits and other content, enlighten the public their responsibility legal, statutory and social responsibility as refis8voters. This has become one of the Foundation’s most vital tool in its drive for free, fair, transparent and credible elections. The ultimate goal is to protect the integrity of the electoral process and promote a national political culture that will ensure a sustainable national political culture.

“By ensuring that each such Advocacy Message addresses specific, current and urgent matters of leadership, citizenship, general public interest and general public good, our foundation has created a unique, impactful and admirable approach to building public awareness in a sustainable way,” said Rev Ehusani, head of the Foundation.

The foundation’s network, and its advocacy group, is dowsing tension, preventing the escalation of conflict, and promoting mutual respect and peaceful co-existence in Nigeria,” a statement from the group added.

According to Ehusani, “A vibrant civil society voice is an essential ingredient for strong democracy in a country like ours. Such a voice highlights gaps leadership recruitment, in government service delivery, corruption and injustice”.