Valentine: 7 Sweet Things Your Lover Needs To Hear


Everyone loves a little sweet talk every now and then. We are emotional beings!

Like you, your partner has down days when all he/she needs are sweet pep talks. Moreso, Valentine is coming!….lol

Sweet words to tell your lover are written all over your heart which can give your lover that warm and fuzzy feeling when you’re out and about, cuddling or on Valentine’s Day.

If getting those words are difficult for you, relax, TheLeadng has sourced for sweet things you can tell your lover.

  • Every Valentine’s Day would be perfect if I could spend them all with you.
  • I want to make your life so wonderful that every day will feel like Valentine’s Day.
  • I like you and I love you.
  • One day a year just isn’t enough to show you how special you are to me.
  • I used to dream about finding the love of my life, and here you are.
  • This day would have absolutely no meaning without you.
  • There was a time when I thought I’d never have someone to share this day with. You made me believe in love again.
  • You still give me butterflies after all this time.
  • There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you.
  • I’m so, so proud of you