NECO releases SSCE results, blacklists 12 schools for cheating


The National Examinations Council (NECO) has released the internal Senior Secondary School Examination (SSCE) results with a two per cent increase of candidates who made five credits and above in all subjects.

The Council also derecognised 12 schools for their involvement in mass cheating and whole school cases of malpractice.

The Registrar, Professor Godswill Obioma, announced these at the NECO Headquarters in Minna.

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He said the schools derecognised include four schools in Adamawa, two in kaduna, two in Kastina, Two in Niger, one in Taraba and one in FCT.

He said that 24 supervisors were blacklisted for various offences ranging from poor supervision, aiding and abetting, connivance with non candidates to write answers on chalkboards.

Obioma placed the number of candidates who are involved in various examination malpractice at 33,470 representing a 2.61percent of the total 1,209 992 who sat for the examination.

The Registrar who reiterated the long standing zero tolerance for malpractice said it can be noticed that the malpractice incidence in 2020 dropped compared to 2019 figure that is put at 40,730. Attributing the success to the deployment of biometric verification devices and strengthening the examination monitoring strategy in terms of scope and depth.

“Arising from the above schools derecognised are ;4 from Adamawa, 2 in Kaduna, 2 in Katina, 2 in Niger, 1in Tarabara and 1 in FCT and they would be rerecognosed for two years for their involvement in Mass cheating and whole school cases,” he said.

For the 2020 results released by the council, a total 1, 221, 447 candidates registered for the examination with 665, 830 males and 555, 617 females.

1, 209, 992 were said to have sat for the examination out of which 659, 796 are male 550, 126 are female with 160 students with special needs.

Out of the 1,209, 922 candidates who sat for the examination, 1, 112,041 made 5 credits and above representing 91.91percent irrespective of English and Mathematics while 894, 101 candidates made 5 credits and above including English and Maths representing 73.89 percent with an increment of 2.3% and 2.01% compare to 2019.

Also, 974,331 representing 82.68% had credit and above in English language while 1,060,100 representing 90.08% made credit and above in mathematics.

The Council however announced that it has made special arrangements for those candidates who missed some papers due to the ENDSARS protest in some states which include Abia, Enugu, Edo, Rivers, Ondo, Osun, Ekiti, Lagos, Oyo, Kano, FCT and Ogun.

Subjects missed are Chemistry 1(practical), economics, commerce, technical drawing, food and nutrition and further Maths.

According to Obioma, “the affected candidates will now sit for those papers missed during the forthcoming 2020 SSCE (external) scheduled from Monday 1st February to Wednesday 3rd March 2021. The special arrangement will be at no extra cost to these candidates.

“Upon the release of the 2020 SSCE internal results, those of the affected candidates will be pending for the papers missed and would be subsequently updated after the supplementary examination results are released.”

While commending all stakeholders who contributed to the success of the examination despite all hurdles faced occasioned by the outbreak of Coronavirus and ENDSARS protest, the registrar said candidates can now access their results on the Council’s website,