Five countries where women propose to men


In many cultures around the world, it’s traditionally expected for men to propose to women.

However, there are some countries and cultures where women proposing to men is more common or even customary.

TheLeadng looks at five countries where women proposing to men is not uncommon:

Ireland: In Ireland, it’s a tradition for women to propose to men on Leap Day, which occurs every four years on February 29th. This tradition is believed to have originated in Irish folklore and is known as “Bachelor’s Day.”

Sometimes known as Ladies’ Privilege, it is based on a legend of Saint Bridget and Saint Patrick.

Finland: In Finland, there is a similar tradition called “Sadie Hawkins Day” or “Naistenpäivä” (Women’s Day) where women are encouraged to propose to men on February 29th, which also occurs every four years.

Scotland: While it’s not a widespread tradition, there are parts of Scotland where women proposing to men on Leap Day is considered acceptable or even expected. This tradition is similar to the one in Ireland.

Irish monks took the tradition to Scotland where, in 1288, it was made into a law that women could propose during leap years, that they must wear a red petticoat while proposing, and that refusals would result in a fine. This was supposedly decreed by the young, unmarried Queen Margaret, though she was 5 years old.

United States: While not a national tradition, in some parts of the United States, particularly in certain rural areas or communities influenced by Irish or Scottish culture, it’s not uncommon for women to propose to men on Leap Day.

Denmark: In Denmark, it’s becoming increasingly common for women to propose to men, particularly among younger generations who are more open to breaking traditional gender roles. This trend is part of a broader movement towards gender equality in Danish society.

It’s important to note that attitudes towards women proposing to men vary within countries and cultures, and these traditions may not be universally practiced or accepted by everyone.

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