Jordan’s Prince Bin Hussein Renounces His Title, Gives Reason


An outspoken half-brother of Jordan’s king has relinquished his princely title.
Prince Hamzah bin Hussein posted the announcement on his official Twitter account on Sunday.

He wrote that he was driven to the decision because his convictions cannot be reconciled with the “current approaches, policies and methods of our institutions.”

It was the latest chapter in an ongoing palace feud that saw the junior royal placed under house arrest a year ago, Al Jazeera reports.

He stopped short of directly criticising King Abdullah II and the ruling elites, as he had done in the past, but his tone signalled that the rift has not been mended, as the Royal Hashemite Court suggested in the past.

The Royal Hashemite Court made no immediate comment.

Abdullah and Hamzah are sons of King Hussein, who ruled Jordan for nearly a half-century before his death in 1999. Abdullah had appointed Hamzah as crown prince upon his succession but stripped him of the title in 2004.

The monarch had placed Hamzah under house arrest last April for his alleged plot to destabilise the Western-allied kingdom.

In a video statement at the time, Hamzah denied the allegations, saying he was being punished for speaking out against official corruption.

Last month, Hamzah apologised to his brother, according to a letter released by the Royal Hashemite Court at the time. Hamzah went on to express hope that “we can turn the page on this chapter in our country’s and our family’s history.”

Analyst Amer Sabaileh said he expected Hamzah’s announcement to rekindle the royal rift that many in Jordan believed had been resolved with the prince’s apology.

Sabaileh noted that Hamzah had made the decision unilaterally and announced it on his personal Twitter account, rather than in consultation with the royal family.