US Reps reintroduce #EndSARS resolution for 117th Congress, demand justice


Two US Congressmen, Al Green and Joaquin Castro have reintroduced the #EndSARS Resolution in the 117th Congress.

In a joint statement on Tuesday, the two lawmakers stressed that human rights abuses by men of the defunct Special Anti-Robbery Squad must be investigated, adding that victims must get justice.

They also said extrajudicial killings of peaceful protesters during the October 2020 #EndSARS demonstrations against police brutality must be probed and those culpable must be held accountable.

Congressman Green said, “On the heels of a widespread movement in the United States demanding police reform after the brutal killing of George Floyd, I – along with much of the rest of the world – was heartbroken when a video surfaced on October 3, 2020, appearing to show the horrific killing and robbery of a Nigerian man by Special Anti-Robbery Squad officers. #EndSARS joined #BlackLivesMatter as a global rallying cry calling for justice.”

He added, “As we continue to work toward this goal in the United States, awaiting the Senate passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, it is imperative that we maintain solidarity with peaceful protesters in Nigeria demanding justice, accountability, and meaningful security reform from their government.

“This is in part why I and Congressman Joaquin Castro have re-introduced our resolution in support of the #EndSARS movement in Nigeria. We understand the importance of sending a strong message that the ongoing events in Nigeria are of international concern, because Black lives matter wherever they may be in the world.”

Also, co-sponsor of the resolution, Congressman Castro said, “Last year, Nigerians came together to protest police violence, and like here in the United States, are still demanding justice. I’m proud to co-lead this resolution as a statement of support for the people of Nigeria who are standing up against these injustices. As I said before, human rights abuses, including extrajudicial executions of peaceful protestors, must be independently investigated and held accountable.”

The resolution is also co-sponsored by Representatives Ilhan Omar, Alcee Hastings, Ayanna Pressley, Karen Bass, Sheila Jackson Lee, Steve Cohen, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Jim Cooper, Dina Titus, Danny Davis, and Jim McGovern.

It has been endorsed by international human rights organisations including Amnesty International US, Human Rights Watch, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, and PEN America.