You dare not attack Kaduna Airport- Military warns Bandits


The military authorities on Monday said bandits dare not attack Kaduna International Airport.

Commenting on the killing of an official of the National Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), said the incident happened six kilometers away from the terminal and outside the Airport parameter fence.

Briefing journalists at the scene of the attack, Garrison Command 1 Division Nigerian Army, Brig-General Uriah Opuene, said Kaduna International Airport is very secure.

usmanHe disclosed this when the State Commissioner Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, along with Air Force Base Commander, Air Commodore, Ademuyiwa Adedoyin, when to the area on an assessment tour.

‎The Garrison commander said there are several layers of security at the Airport and that, bandits could not have dared to attack it.

“As you can see, this place is about six kilometers from the Airport terminal. The bandits were only passing behind the airport parameter fence when they saw the security man engaged by NAMA and they fired at him. They just took advantage of that to pass a wrong message that they have attacked the airport.

“There are several layers of security at the Airport; this is the first layer and even this first layer was not breached, because from the moment of hearing that shot, it took our men just about three minutes to get here from the next layer of security.

“On arrival, the bandits were already running away, so we engaged them through the use of ground forces. Then we called for air strike and an helicopter was deployed and from the air report, about 12 of the bandits were killed,” he said.

Also speaking, the NAF Base Commander said security around the Airport general area had been beefed up since the security of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) was breached last year.

He added that bandits don’t have the audacity to attack Kaduna Airport.