Pastor charged over sale of fake Covid cure for £91


A Kenyan preacher based in the UK has been charged in court for selling what he called a Covid-19 remedy.

Bishop Climate Irungu Wiseman sold a bottle of a mixture of oils at £91 ($125).

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He was charged in a London court with fraud and unfair trading offences. He pleaded not guilty.

Mr Wiseman made videos that he circulated online claiming the oils were a cure for Covid-19.

The charges allege Wiseman claimed the concoction advertised as “Divine Cleansing Oil” or as part of a “Divine Plague Prevention Kit” could be used to “treat, prevent, protect against or cure” coronavirus.

Representing Southward Council, prosecutor Ryan Thompson said claims were made that the oil had “cured at least 10 people” in phone calls to the church during the investigation.

He said there was a risk of “harm or death” to those who had bought the oil, thinking it would save them.

Speaking only to confirm his name, Wiseman indicated not guilty pleas to a single charge of fraud and two charges under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations between 23 and 24 March.

Defending Wiseman, Maeve Thornton said the case involved the freedom to practise religion.

The case was sent to the Inner London Crown Court, where Wiseman is expected to appear on 13 September.

Mr Wiseman runs the Bishop Climate Ministries, which is part of the Kingdom Church located in South London.

There is no cure for Covid-19, according to the World Health Organization.